Saturday, December 19, 2009


It's been so cool what God's been teaching me about worship the last couple months!
back in Aug or Sept, I was talking to Ronney, the worship leader, about teaching the youth members of our worship team about what it means to worship, not just about singing well. He told me I should give them a little devotion on the topic before worship practice the next week, and I was at a loss because there was so little I could say about worship. God has started to teach me a lot about it since then. Another thing is I started reading the book "The prayer that changes everything" by Stormie Omartian, about worship, and that's been teaching me about how worship should be the first response to any situation. How it brings realization of truth no matter what else is going on, and opens the way for God to work in the situation.
Another thing that is so true is how we become like whatever we worship. That's why in the old testament God spoke of those who followed after deaf, thoughtless, lifeless idols and said, "They will be ever seeing but never perceiving, ever listening but never understanding" When we worship something that is less than who we are, we become less than who we were meant to be. And really, the only thing greater than us to worship is God. He is the only one that by worshiping, we can inherit his goodness, making us more than who we are without him.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

chapter for the year

God has been teaching me a lot about serving him and what he's calling me to in missions. He's recently led me to Matthew chapter 10, where Jesus is sending out the disciples with instructions for their mission.
Are his instructions just for that specific time or are they for everyone who is taking his Truth to other places?
Which of his instructions were specifically for that one mission, and which ones were for all of us to follow?
What were the specific instructions for? Why did he tell people to stay only in one house in each place? Why did he tell them to wipe the dust from their feet?
How were they supposed to know if the house was 'worthy'? What does that mean?
You can use the bible gateway link to read the chapter, and tell me what you think about this questions, and any other observations you have!

Lookup a word or passage in the Bible

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Final preparations

Only a week and a half left and I head out to Honduras for my second year of teaching.
Here's what I have been told about the coming year:
I'm teaching third grade math and English again. There are two sections of Third graders, just as there were last year. This time, the sections are bigger, last year there were 22 students in each group. They are said to be a high energy bunch of kids, but a lot of fun. We'll see what that means...
I am also going to be teaching a history class four times per week in high school - 9th grade, I believe. That's what I'm the most nervous about, as it's a totally new experience for me.
Some new things: the third grade may be in different classrooms. At this point I'm not sure. Two of the English teachers from Southwest school left last year, and I'm not sure if they've found replacements. The political situation in Honduras is a little shaky, although it's a miracle that it hasn't gotten worse than it is.
Please say a quick prayer for myself, my kids, and the situations of SouthWest School and Honduras before leaving this site :). Thank you!

These are the two classes of students you will be hearing about all year long ;)

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